Website terms and conditions – supply of services to consumers (B2C)

What are website terms and conditions for the supply of services to consumers and when should you use them?


These are standard terms and conditions for businesses to provide services to consumers (‘B2C terms and conditions’) where services are being provided from your website.

They’re not suitable for online sales of services to businesses or for sales to consumers that take place off-line e.g. in a store.

The template is drafted in favour of the business that is the supplier of the services.

It is suitable for businesses of all sizes from a sole trader to an established business selling services.

These terms relate to the supply of services (only) to consumers.

If you want website terms and conditions for the sale of goods to consumers, then use the template below

Website terms and conditions for sale of goods to consumers

If you want website terms and conditions for the sale of goods that are made to order for your customer, then you should use the following template:

Website terms and conditions for the sale of made to order products

If you also sell services and/or digital content, or a different combination, to consumers from your website, we also have terms available to cover these situations, so please use them instead.

You’ll need to consider our templates:

If you are selling remotely to consumers, but not via a website (for example, you’re selling by mail-order catalogue or telephone, different terms and conditions will be appropriate.

You will need to pick these from our suite of Distance Selling (Non-Website) Terms and Conditions.

And if you are not selling consumers goods at a distance, you’ll need tailored terms and conditions that cover either ‘on-premises’ or’ off-premises’ sales, explained further below.

Finally, if your target customer is not a consumer, but other businesses, you’ll need our suite of website terms and conditions covering sales to businesses (‘B2B terms and conditions’).

You’ll need to pick from our Website Terms and Conditions for Sale of Goods and Services to Businesses, Website Terms and Conditions for Sale of Goods to Businesses or Website Terms and Conditions for Supply of Services to Businesses

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