Website terms and conditions – supply of digital content to consumers (B2C)

What are website terms and conditions for the supply of digital content to consumers and when should you use them?


These website terms and conditions are standard terms and conditions for businesses to supply digital content via a website to consumers only (B2C terms and conditions).

Examples of digital content include:

  • Games and software
  • Films and TV programmes
  • Ebooks
  • Music
  • Mobile and tablet applications
  • Online news platforms
  • Ringtones

Many EU countries, including Ireland, do not have explicit rules on digital content.

This makes it difficult for consumers to take action against you if things go wrong; for example, the product is faulty or does not have the quality that you would reasonably expect.

To address this, the EU approved new rules to make sure that consumers in all Member States have a right to a refund, repair or replacement for faulty digital content.

The new rules are in the directive on contracts for the supply of digital content and services (Digital Content Directive).

The Directive must become law in Ireland before 1 January 2022.

Read our guide on consumer rights for digital content to find out more about selling digital content.

This template is drafted with this directive in mind.

It is suitable for businesses of all sizes from a sole trader with a single product to an established business selling thousands of different products.

These terms relate to the sale of digital content to consumers

If you want website terms and conditions for the supply of services to consumers, then use the template below

Website terms and conditions for supply of services to consumers

If you want website terms and conditions for the sale of goods that are made to order for your customer, then you should use the following template:

Website terms and conditions for the sale of made to order products

If you’re selling any combination of goods, services and digital content to consumers from your website, you’ll need to use one of our separate consumer templates instead.

We also have a full suite of template website terms and conditions available for selling goods and services business to business (B2B).

Have Questions About This Template?

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