Job Description

What’s a job description and when should you use it?


This is the Plugged template job description.

You can use it to put together a summary of how the role you’re looking to fill works, including:

  • what the main tasks of the job are and what responsibilities the new hire will have
  • what skills and experience – both essential and desirable – are needed, in order to be successful in the role
  • how the employee’s success within the role will be measured, and
  • why the role is important and how it fits within the business as a whole.

The first time you’ll use this will be when you’re recruiting for an employee.

It’ll work as a reference for you and your recruiter (if you’re using an agency) to use when sourcing candidates for the role.

Once you’ve hired someone to fill the role, you can continue to reference this job description throughout their employment.

From induction and performance reviews to promoting or replacing employees should they decide to move on elsewhere.

This helps to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to what’s expected from your employees and this role.


What else might you need?


We explain more about how to write an informative and attractive job description in our guide to hiring an employee.

You may also find our Induction Checklist useful.


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