Website Terms of Use

What are website terms of use and when should you use them?


These are standard terms of use for businesses to provide on their website.

Our template is drafted in simple and concise terms so that it is easy to understand for the end user.

It covers matters such as how visitors access your website and what they are allowed to do once they’re there.

They also allow you to limit your own liability, say for comments or content left on your website by visitors to it.

By using (and continuing to use) your website, visitors are agreeing to comply with these terms.

If they do not agree with these terms, then they must stop using your site immediately.

You should include a link to your website terms of use on every page of your website.

Usually, the link is found at the bottom of each page.

These terms have been drafted generally for websites, but you should consider the nature of your website and the purposes it is serving.

There may be other terms which should be included in these terms depending on the nature of your website and your business.


What else might you need?


The website terms of use do not have provisions about the sale of goods or services (or digital content in the case of consumers).

You will need a separate set of terms for these and they will depend upon what you are selling (goods, services and/or digital content) and who you are selling to (businesses and/or consumers).

You may also need a separate privacy notice if you collect personal data via the website and a cookies policy if your website uses cookies.

Our guide on what you need to have a legally compliant website discusses everything you need to know about setting up your website, including what you need to put in place and how to keep them up to date.

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