Non-Disclosure Agreement – Trainer

What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement for a Trainer and when should you use it?


A non-disclosure agreement (or NDA) is a legally binding document to stop business’ sensitive, confidential information and data from being shared amongst people who aren’t authorised to have access to it.

You’ll often hear it called a ‘confidentiality agreement’ as well.

It puts the other party on notice that they can’t disclose the contents of conversations or materials that you share with them without express, prior consent.

This template is a non-disclosure agreement for any independent trainers you are considering working with to provide training services to your clients.   

This may involve you having to provide the trainer with proprietary training materials or other confidential information.

In such a scenario it is advisable that you have an NDA agreement in place.

Such an agreement will protect your business against any disclosures of your proprietary and confidential information.

The requirement for non-disclosure is on one party only, the trainer.


When should this NDA be used?


You might want to use this NDA if you are considering working with a Trainer for the provision of services to clients on behalf of your business.

This may require you to disclose certain confidential or proprietary information with him/her to enable him/her to carry out their tasks.

If you’re disclosing information that merits a non-disclosure agreement, this means you’re sharing trade secrets like training manuals, client lists, or operating procedures.

In such cases always ensure that the terms of your agreement contain a robust definition of what you consider to be confidential and proprietary information.

And try not to disclose anything valuable – with or without a non-disclosure agreement – unless you’ve put the right protections in place around your intellectual property.

For more details on this visit our Intellectual Property hub.

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