Cookies Policy

What’s a cookie policy and when should you use it?


If you have a website that’s owned in the EU or is aimed at individuals or businesses in the EU, it’s a legal obligation to have a cookies policy on your site.

This policy needs to be fully accessible, as should the standard cookie pop-up notice on your front/landing page

Cookies are little pieces of text data that are left on computers, tablets, and phones of website visitors.

That data is kept and used by the website and may even be passed on to another website that recognises that cookie and has a relationship with it.

This is a standard website cookies policy and is it designed to sit alongside your website privacy notice and your website terms and conditions.

Some types of cookie are essential for the website to work, but other cookies are non-essential and are designed to:

  1. make the individual user’s online experience more efficient and enjoyable
  2. improve its services
  3. recognise a visitor whenever they visit this website and distinguish that visitor from other users of the site
  4. obtain information about a user’s preferences and their use of the site
  5. provide visitors with advertising which is tailored to their interests
  6. carry out research and data analysis to help the site-owners to improve their content and services and to better understand their customer preferences and interests.


What else might you need


To find out more on cookies, see our guide to cookies

You will also need to include a cookie pop-up notice that users will see when they first enter the site, which draws their attention to the fact that cookies are being used.

By accepting this and continuing to browse the site, users are treated as having consented to the use of cookies as described above.

If they do not consent, they may be given the option of turning off cookies, which may compromise their ability to interact fully with the site, or they may be requested to leave the site and not continue to interact with it.

If you’re considering a cookies policy, you should also ensure that you have appropriate wording for the standard cookie pop-up notice that will need to be immediately visible on your front/landing page when a user visits your site.

Take a look at our guide to setting up a legally compliant website

Updated 7 March 2023

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